LORD'S DAY EVENING worship service

february 23, 2025

special missions presentation tonight


lord's day evening worship series

Reformed Distinctives

on an alternate scheule with the series listed in section below

Join us live on YouTube at 5:30 pm.

What does it mean to be reformed in our theology? Why are we Presbyterian? Why does this church worship with liturgy and hymns? What other unfamiliar beliefs are included in this system? Join us on Sunday evenings as we explore ten distinctives of the Reformed faith: Sola Scriptura, Predestination, Covenant Theology, Reformed Soteriology, Ordinary Means of Grace, The Regulative Principle, Presbyterianism, Sabbatarianism, Iconoclasm, and Amillenialism. 

Rev. Nicholas Hathaway

lord's day evening worship series

the book of joshua

on an alternate scheule with series listed in the section above

Join us live on YouTube at 5:30 pm.

The Book of Joshua, tells us, "Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” The Book of Joshua tells us timeless lessons of faith, courage, and obedience. From God's call to courage and Rahab's redemption to the victory at Jericho and Joshua's final farewell, each message reveals powerful truths about trusting God's promises, overcoming life's challenges, and living a life of purpose. Through this journey, you'll be encouraged to renew your covenant with God, embrace His faithfulness, and step forward with confidence, knowing He fights for you.             

Rev. Kurt Scharping