new testament survey

jan - may, 2025 @ 9:30 am

Teacher:  Dr. David G. Barker

This is an introductory level class through the group of books in the New Testament.  This will include the Gospels, Acts, Pauline letters, the other letters, and Revelation.  The New Testament is at the heart of our understanding of the Old Testament but also of our own times as well.

the prayers of scripture

jan - may, 2025 @ 9:30 am

Teachers:  Pastor Nick Hathaway and Elder Leu Beach

Why theorize about what prayer should be when you could study actual prayers of the Bible to deduce godly patterns, attitudes, and circumstances of prayer from the Bible itself?  As we read and discuss these prayers we will practice biblical prayer.

Occasionally, this series will crossover into topics for sporadic evening services.